
app_login Matched route

Route Parameters

No parameters.

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /login
# Route name Path Log
1 app_accueil / Path does not match
2 poursession /poursession Path does not match
3 alerteproduit /alerte-produit/{pro} Path does not match
4 app_admission /admission/{idpatient}/{idadmission} Path does not match
5 transfert /transfert/{idpatient}/{idadmission} Path does not match
6 attente_admission /attenteadmission/{idpatient}/{idadmission}/{del} Path does not match
7 dataadmissionwait /dataadmissionwait Path does not match
8 dataoccupation /dataoccupation Path does not match
9 scriptdataoccupation /script/dataoccupation Path does not match
10 admissionlibre /admissionlibre Path does not match
11 liste_admission /liste-admission Path does not match
12 app_bonpdf /bonpdf/{idadmission} Path does not match
13 app_infzone /infzone Path does not match
14 occupation_admission /occupationadmission Path does not match
15 valide /caisse Path does not match
16 datavalidation /data/caisse/{type} Path does not match
17 decaissement /decaisser Path does not match
18 profil /profil/{type} Path does not match
19 recette /recette Path does not match
20 versementassurance /versementassurance Path does not match
21 versementacteassurance /versementacteassurance Path does not match
22 listepaiements /liste-paiements Path does not match
23 app_situation /situation Path does not match
24 app_categorie_assurance /categorieassurance/{idsup}/{delete} Path does not match
25 prixcategorieassurance /prixcategorieassurance/{idsup} Path does not match
26 app_categorie /categorie/{idcat}/{delete} Path does not match
27 certif_parameter /certif-parametre Path does not match
28 certifs_forms /forms-certifs Path does not match
29 certifs_delete /delete-certifs Path does not match
30 type_certicat /type-certificat/{idtc}/{delete} Path does not match
31 contenu_certicat /contenu-certificat/{idcon}/{delete} Path does not match
32 data_certif /certificat/{idpatient}/{idadmission} Path does not match
33 add_certif /certif-add Path does not match
34 fdata_certif /certificat-update/{idpatient}/{nrcertif}/{idadmission} Path does not match
35 update_certif /certif-update Path does not match
36 d_certif /certif-data Path does not match
37 certif_forms_data /certifs-forms-paramter Path does not match
38 certif_pdf /generer-certifpdf/{nrcertif} Path does not match
39 certifs_med /certif-medname Path does not match
40 app_constant /type-constant/{idconst}/{delete} Path does not match
41 unit_measure /unit-measure/{idum}/{delete} Path does not match
42 type_unit_measure /type-unit/{idconst}/{delete} Path does not match
43 appconstant /constants/{idpatient}/{idadmission} Path does not match
44 addconstant /add-constants Path does not match
45 fconst /cont-find Path does not match
46 fdataconst /constant-update/{idpatient}/{idconst}/{idadmission} Path does not match
47 updateconstant /update-constants Path does not match
48 addjsonconstant /addjson-constants Path does not match
49 updconstjon /updconstjson Path does not match
50 delete_constdata /deleteconstantdata Path does not match
51 const_specilite /specialite-constant Path does not match
52 spe_const /conspecial Path does not match
53 delete_fconst_spe /delete-const-spe Path does not match
54 consultation_recette /recettes/{idpatient}/{idconsultation} Path does not match
55 find_facturer /data/find-facturer Path does not match
56 find_deposits /data/find-deposits Path does not match
57 add_ligne_recette /ligne-recette-consultation/{idpatient}/{idconsultation} Path does not match
58 consultation_profil /profils/{idpatient} Path does not match
59 recu_valider /recuvalide/{idpatient} Path does not match
60 recu_annuler /recuannule/{idpatient} Path does not match
61 bilan_medecin /bilanmedecin/{idpatient} Path does not match
62 consultationpdf /consultationpdf/{id} Path does not match
63 acompterecupdf /acompterecupdf/{id} Path does not match
64 paiementrecupdf /paiementrecupdf/{id} Path does not match
65 forms_parametre /dossier-medical/{idpatient}/{idadmission} Path does not match
66 pid_data /historypatient Path does not match
67 add_data_form /addpatient Path does not match
68 update_data /updatepatient Path does not match
69 update_data_form /updatedatapatient Path does not match
70 forms_data /forms Path does not match
71 consultation_pdf /generer-consultation/{idpatient}/{idadmission} Path does not match
72 list_patient /list-patient-consulation Path does not match
73 find_p /data/findpatient Path does not match
74 add_antgen /addantgene Path does not match
75 add_antgen1 /addantgene1 Path does not match
76 fconsu_const /fconsu-const Path does not match
77 app_droit /droit/{id} Path does not match
78 autorisation /autorisation/{id} Path does not match
79 autorisationliste /autorisationliste Path does not match
80 denied /denied Path does not match
81 app_entree /entree/{orderNr} Path does not match
82 valider_entree /valider-entree/{orderNr} Path does not match
83 annuler_entree /annuler-entree/{orderNr} Path does not match
84 dataentree /dataentree/{orderNr} Path does not match
85 updatetotal /updatetotal/{orderNr} Path does not match
86 liste_entree /liste-entree Path does not match
87 app_equipe /stock-equipe Path does not match
88 updatestockequipe /update-stock-equipe Path does not match
89 exams /examen/{idpatient}/{idadmission} Path does not match
90 add_examen_radio /add-examen Path does not match
91 data_rx /exam-rx Path does not match
92 data_examen /examana Path does not match
93 generer_pdf /generer-pdf/{nrexamen} Path does not match
94 examen_fu /examen-fupd/{idpatient}/{nrexamen}/{idadmission} Path does not match
95 examen_update /examen-update Path does not match
96 delete_examen /delete-exam Path does not match
97 analyses /analyse/{idpatient}/{idadmission} Path does not match
98 add_analyse /add-analyse Path does not match
99 data_analyse /analyse-b Path does not match
100 data_examen_ana /analyse-ex Path does not match
101 anaexamen /generer-analyse-pdf/{nrexamen} Path does not match
102 analyse_fu /analyse-fup/{idpatient}/{nrexamen}/{idadmission} Path does not match
103 analyse_update /analyse-update Path does not match
104 delete_anlyse /delete-analyse Path does not match
105 app_facturation /facturation/{idfacture} Path does not match
106 calculprice /calcul-price Path does not match
107 calculpricechambre /calcul-price-chambre Path does not match
108 app_facturer /facture/{encounter_nr}/{typer} Path does not match
109 app_facturerpdf /facturepdf/{encounter_nr}/{typer}/{typeF} Path does not match
110 add_ligne_facturer /ligne-facture/{encounter_nr}/{typer} Path does not match
111 listefacture /listefacture Path does not match
112 honoraire_medecin /honoraire/{idpatient} Path does not match
113 listefacturefinal /listefacturefinal Path does not match
114 reglementfacture /reglementfacture Path does not match
115 recouvrement /recouvrement Path does not match
116 app_fournisseur /fournisseur/{idsup}/{delete} Path does not match
117 app_inventaire /inventaire/{orderNr} Path does not match
118 changestate /changestate Path does not match
119 print_inventaire /print-inventaire/{orderNr} Path does not match
120 datainventaire /datainventaire Path does not match
121 liste_inventaire /liste-inventaire Path does not match
122 inventairepharmacie /inventaire-pharmacie Path does not match
123 index /labo Path does not match
124 demandesexamen /demandesexamen Path does not match
125 donneesdebase /donneesdebase Path does not match
126 app_login /login Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.